Well I didn't really spend the whole weekend over there, just from Saturday afternoon until Sunday night. I would have been over Friday night but I had to wait from some mail about info on training on my new job, which was starting Monday. I waited over a week and no answer from them, it was the post off here in the UK. SO they sent it next day delivery.
Anyway enough about them, the Post office I mean. Well I took the train down to Liverpool street, then transferred over to a next train to go to Edmonton Green, where my cousin lives, well one of them. Its surprising how much second and third cousins a person can have. I have five second cousin that like in England, well that's just the ones I know of, and I got to meet five more, well four, one wasn't around, over this weekend. The five second cousins I have are ages from 21 to 50, well I think that's their ages. Never really asked them how old they are because big people don't really ask that. Well the third cousins ages are from 7 to 19, that I know because I actually asked them.
I know this might bore everyone, but it is my blog. Well the weekend started but running errands with my cousin, he's fixing up his kitchen. It looks really nice and all, so we got some materials to complete it. We were going to check him mother, my Great Aunt, but she went over to his sister, my cousin, for a make over party. I went to his flat to drop off my stuff, and met one of his kids, which is my 3rd cousin, his daughter, a 19 year old so she had a busy weekend planned. Well not really, not really much to do in the UK, that what she told me. Well she went to her aunt house, not sure if I'm related to her or not, could be her aunt on her mother side. Anyway she gone, just us two, so we did what 95 percent of people do on a Saturday night, guess what that is! Go to a pub, well two pubs, I'm still not use to places closing at 11 pm. We went to an African pub, and then went to a nice soul place called, 'The Front Room', well he knew the DJ and he was playing oldies but goodies, and the place was jumping like a little house/flat party. But...............It was filled with white people. I guess that was ok, we are in London. But we stayed there for a bit, didn't get a chance to get drunk or tipsy this weekend, but will try for another time. Might try and go out with my little 19 year old cousin, might be able to find a nice dancehall club or something, need to feel that raw dancing vibes pulse through my soul. Well that was it for Saturday.
On Sunday, went over to his sister's house for dinner, which is my cousin also. Met her husband and their three little kids, two girls and a boy. Had a nice dinner, chatted the night away, was a great bonding experience. I think one of the reasons I came to the UK was for that fact, the chance to actually meet family, instead of just hearing about it. If I never came here I think I would meet my family from England just one. I met one set back in like 1994, once. And the other set I met in 2004, just once. It seems as if that would have been the first and last for that, but I;m here now and now get the chance to meet and get to know everyone.
Like I was saying really is that I wanted to be the one or one of the family that got to actually meet most of the family no matter where they are. Well once dinner was over headed back to Chelmsford, got home like 12, went to sleep like 2am, for no reason, couldn't get up in the morning to go to work, really tired now, didn't want to even stay up to write anything, but had to or would just forget it all. Well off to bed now, I hope everyone enjoyed my boring weekend. Next week two of my aunts are coming to the UK, one from Jamaica and the other from NY. Then a week after that were having a BBQ. So hopefully I'll have some family secrets to share with you, Bye.