Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Unforgivable Blackness

Jack Johnson
Posted by Hello

Do you know who this man is? It's another Johnson that made history. Before I left to come to the UK I was fascinated with this guy for months. I seen a brief documentary on him, then found a article in the paper about him, and then finally on PBS a 2 day full documentary on this man. There was even a movie that was based a little on his life with James Earl Jones in it,The Great white Hope. It was an old movie, with his name changed to Jack Jefferson. I have seen the movie a very long time before I knew whom it was based on. I know some if not most of you have heard of this film. Since I was just born in 1978 and the movie was out in 1970 there have been plenty of time for all of us to enjoy it. Yes it's Jack Johnson!
I guess what first drew me to this man was his Last name, Johnson. Since me share the same surname I was intrigued to know why did this man, a Johnson deserve the attention on new and TV. And after watching the documentary I understood why. Also because I ever growing enjoyment of boxing over the past year I think it was fate the he was revealed to me. Yes he was a boxer, a rich, successful, and great boxer. Great enough the even the greatest Muhammad Ali has said on film and tape to accredit his love and success in boxing to Mr. Jack Johnson.
This was not just a mere boxer, but also an inventor in his own right. He patented a wrench back in 1922. He was a boxer in the early 1900's, during slavery, before martin marched, before the Bronx bomber, during the absolute midst of racism in America, he was the CHAMP!! Can you believe it the American Boxing champ for years, no white or black man could defeat him. And this was back in the days when matches lasted for 20 + rounds. No TKO's, no decisions, just start boxing until one man could not get on his feet anymore. The old days, the real man, on real man days. And he survived it all, fucking white women, driving fast cars, hanging in clubs until the sun comes out, being charged with bogus crimes and he still remained on top.
Now who today can even come close to that?

The Champ is Here!!!!!!!!!


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